Sunday, January 22, 2017

What's Your Word?

       I'm in elementary school, about 8 or 9 years old and it's very late. I'm supposed to be sleeping, but how can I sleep when everything around me feels like I'm still having a nightmare? I was sleeping just fine for a while until out of nowhere I feel I'm having a night terror. It all started with my dream. My mother, father, and I are in a room that is nothing but white and goes on for miles. Everything around us was quite off. Out of nowhere, my father starts screaming at the top of his lungs at me and my mom. I can't understand what he is saying. No matter where I ran, I can't get away from it, I keep ending up back where I was.
       All of a sudden the room starts disappearing along with my parents. The white room that I was once in is now getting further and further away. I'm slipping into a long black tunnel, looking at my parents still trapped in the white room, miles away from me. They are becoming the size of ants. The screaming hasn't stopped, no matter how far away they are. 

       Finally I wake up, back into the real world. Or so I thought. I look at my television at the end of my bed. The faces all blend together while their heads keep getting smaller. I try and I try to wake up and push these thoughts out of my mind but nothing is working. I feel like I'm still dreaming. 
        I get out of bed and everything starts moving fast. I try to move slowly but it feels as if I'm going a hundred miles an hour. "What do I do now? How do I stop this?" I think. I feel trapped. I start pacing up and down the hallway in the darkness hoping it will go away. I decide to go wake up my parents by poking them very gently but obviously that doesn't work. Still in complete darkness, pacing back and forth. There is nothing I can do to stop this feeling, but suffer through it. Nothing about this is normal. Finally I decide to grab my blanket and sit in my oldest brothers room since he wasn't home. Sitting, wrapped in the darkness until my parents find me in the morning.